Navigate Collaborative Governance β
There are four primary phases of facilitation proposed to spin up a collective in the Ecosystem. These have been created to simply spark the conversation and give an idea of a basic framework:
- Phase 1 - Individual Assessment: One or more facilitators will emerge to bring forth the passions, talents, personality types of each individual wanting to participate in the ecosystem.
- Phase 2 - Field Assessment: Facilitator will assist the individual or small group in creating a proposal, which is then brought to the Council. Council will consider proposals for specific projects. Processes to be created for consideration of proposals including how to prioritize and assign budgets.
- Phase 3 - Collective Creation: Facilitator assists the collective in creating a Collective Foundational Agreement where the team identifies values, mission, vision, what governance model they wish to work with, and identifies initial team accountabilities to complete their mission. Brings to council where it is either given a budget, or kicked back to Phase 2.
- Phase 4 - Maintaining Collective Coherence: Facilitator assists individuals in identifying and accepting individual accountabilities that support team accountabilities, and assists to remove any blocks in the way of those accountabilities getting completed. Facilitator assists in adjusting or setting new team accountabilities as necessary with the intentions of maintaining social and energetic alchemy. Different facilitators may weave in and out of different collectives as they are needed.
Interested in spinning up a collective in the ecosystem? Connect