Who sets the CONTEXT for your TORUS?
The CONTEXT is your TORUS' relationship to consciousness and responsibility. The CONTEXT spits out a set of distinctions depending on whether your TORUS is established at child level, adult level, high level, or radical level responsibility. Ordinary modern culture organizations originate in child level responsibility.
Until the CONTEXT of your TORUS is clarified and agreed upon in a CODEX you do not have a TORUS. Instead you have an ordinary meeting.
Your CODEX is the Rules of Engagement of your GAMEWORLD, your distinctions. Perhaps the most crucial ingredient to a successful TORUS is being clear about the CONTEXT out of which the CODEX of your TORUS GAMEWORLD emerges.
The distinctions of your TORUS can be clarified and agreed on. Clarity leads to power. By establishing which distinctions apply in your TORUS as the original focus of your TORUS you give it the power to create its full potential.
We are finding that best practices for TORUS TECHNOLOGY include these distinctions:
- Being honest about your dishonesty, being authentic about your inauthenticity. Radical honesty.
- Taking responsibility for the level of responsibility being taken in the TORUS. Radical responsibility.
- You have a survival strategy. You are not your survival strategy. There is a difference between feelings and emotions.
- It is impossible to be a victim. You empower whoever you blame. Low drama is not life.
- Gremlin is on your leash, sitting at your side, ready to create nonlinear possibilities at your command.
- Reveal the fear behind your stories - "My Box is freaking out. I made a story about you. My story is ______. The fear behind my story is _____. I am responsible for my fear and my story. What do you think about my story?"
- Sword of clarity out, Disk of Nothing out, Gremlin alert at your side, paying attention to your attention, being centered (having your energetic center on your physical center), keeping a grounding cord from your energetic center to the center of the Earth, holding a cleansed personal bubble of space, keeping a small here and a small now, presence.
- Trust yourself to take care of yourself around other people. Trust the other NODES to have as much integrity and good will as your NODE does. Radical reliance on the Bright Principles.
- The TORUS is fed when participants put their attention on the 'WE' of the TORUS.