The originator of Open Space Technology, Harrison Owen, discovered that certain participants of nonlinear meeting technologies do not conform to the ordinary participation roles.
He named them Bumblebees and Butterflies. We also find them in TORUS TECHNOLOGY.
Some people have a tendency to jump from NODE to NODE, picking up bits of information and dropping them here and there, slipping in and out of various NODE meetings asking dangerous questions but not even sticking around to hear the answers. The result is valuable cross-pollination throughout the TORUS These are the Bumblebees!
Some other people have a tendency to flutter about the TORUS at odd hours spontaneously enjoying their own beauty and delicate presence. They tend to care about and generally improve the overall mood of spaces. You might find them hanging out at the café, listening to the worries or ecstasies of people who feel a bit lost or frustrated in all the hubbub of the TORUS. These precious Beings are the Butterflies!
Both Bumblebees and Butterflies are welcomed contributors to any TORUS.