Transparency of stewards is critical. The more assets an individual is stewarding, the more effect they have within the socioeconomic system. And with Loving, Kind stewardship comes both rights and responsibilities.
Rights of stewards come in the form of influence over how assets are stewarded. Responsibilities come in the form of always seeking the greatest level of holopticism (the ability to see the whole). After all, how can we know our actions are the most Loving and Kind if we are not willing to look ever more deeply? Stewards who take care to ensure the lowest levels of rivalrous behavior, and maximize Loving Kindness are important players, and deserve attention and praise. And we should remember, anything we perceive as Loving Kindness is just the least worst perception of Loving Kindness available to us at that moment in time. A commitment to holopticism requires us to remain continually open to a more complex perception.
As we are able to perceive greater levels of complexity in the systems in which we participate, we are better able to ensure that our choices are creating ever deeper embodiments of Loving Kindness (anti-rivalry).